Anniversary Event Schedule
Free Coffee Day to Launch Anniversary Month
Tuesday, May 2nd
7:30 am - 2 pm
All customers are invited in for free coffee - Lima Bean Blend, a featured flavored, and a dark roast, and half off other drinks!
Special Anniversary Menu
Every Week in May
We will be featuring one of our "old favorite" menu items from the past 20 years! Help us choose by voting throughout April. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to participate.
20% Off Sale
The week of May 15th we will be offering a special 20% off sale for our 20th anniversary. Stay tuned for details! Make sure you are on our email list to get the latest and greatest: Sign Up for Email
Meeting Place Alumni Reunion Open House
Saturday, May 20th
11 am - 2 pm
In honor of our 20th anniversary, we would love to see all the employees, suppliers, customers and friends who have been part of our journey! Come hang out with us and enjoy looking at old photos, have your favorite drink (on us!), and catch up. We will also have a gift for you to celebrate our 20th.
Please come if you were in any way associated with The Meeting Place over the last 20 years: * Employees * Suppliers * Friends * Artists * Musicians * Partners * Regular customers; at any point during our 20 year history!